A luscious and soft human hair wig is a prized possession for those who rely on wigs for a variety of reasons - fashion, convenience, or medical necessity. Over time, however, even the finest human hair wigs can lose some of their initial luster, becoming dry, frizzy, and less inviting to wear, which is why we want to share our knowledge on how to restore the softness of a human hair wig.
So, if you're ready to transform your wig into a soft and inviting masterpiece, let's embark on this journey together. Your wig is about to become your crowning glory once more!

how to make a human hair soft again

Why Do Human Hair Wigs Become Dry?

Human hair wigs can become dry for several reasons, and understanding these factors can help you take steps to prevent and address dryness.

Lack of Moisture: Due to the hair is human hair, once cut off, nutrients and moisture will reduce with the time going on, not like our own hair, it has the continue nutrients and moisture from our own body continual. So in the daily life, if we cannot give the hair continue moisture then it will dry.
Environmental Factors: Exposure to dry or arid climates can contribute to dryness in human hair wigs. Low humidity levels can sap moisture from the hair, leaving it brittle and dry.
Frequent Washing: Excessive washing or using harsh shampoos can strip the hair of its natural oils, causing it to become dry and dull. It's important to use mild, sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for human hair wigs.
Heat Styling: Excessive or high-heat styling, including curling irons, flat irons, and blow dryers, can damage the hair cuticles and lead to dryness. Using heat protectant products is essential to minimize damage.
Improper Storage: Storing the wig in conditions where it's exposed to excessive heat, direct sunlight, or humidity fluctuations can lead to dryness. It's best to keep wigs in a cool, dry place on a wig stand or mannequin head.

How To Restore The Softness Of Human Hair Wigs In Daily Life?

how to make a human hair soft again

Preparing The Wig Before Washing

Preparing the wig by detangling it before washing makes the washing process easier and prevents further matting or knotting during the softening process.
Start by using a wide-tooth comb or wig brush to gently detangle the hair. Begin at the tips of the hair and work your way up to the roots. Be patient and gentle, as harsh tugging or pulling can damage the hair or the wig cap.

Pre-Wash Your Wig with Natural Oils

By pre-washing your wig with a natural oil, you provide it with an extra layer of protection and nourishment, helping to maintain its softness and shine. This is particularly beneficial for human hair wigs, which benefit from the moisture and conditioning effects of natural oils.
Pour a small amount of the warm oil into your hands and evenly distribute it through the wig's hair. Start from the tips and work your way up to the roots. Be gentle and avoid using too much oil, as excessive oil can be difficult to remove during the washing process.

Shampoo Your Wig

Shampooing removes accumulated dirt, sweat, and oil from the wig, leaving it clean and fresh.

-Fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as it can damage the hair, and cold water may not effectively remove dirt and oils.
-Add a small amount of wig shampoo to the water and mix until it lathers. Place the wig in the soapy water, ensuring that the entire wig is submerged. Let it soak for a few minutes to loosen dirt and oils.
-Rinse the wig thoroughly, holding it by the cap to prevent stretching. Continue rinsing until all shampoo is removed.

Deep Conditioning Your Human Hair Wigs

-Deep conditioning human hair wigs is an essential step in reviving their softness, shine, and overall quality. It can enhance the wig's elasticity, making it more resilient to styling and environmental stress.
-Dispense a generous amount of deep conditioner into your hands. Start applying it to the wig's hair, beginning at the tips and working your way up to the roots. Avoid applying the conditioner to the wig cap.
-Using a wide-tooth comb or wig brush, gently comb through the hair to ensure even distribution of the conditioner.
-Place a plastic shower cap or plastic wrap over the wig to create a controlled environment that allows the conditioner to penetrate. Leave the deep conditioner on the wig for the recommended time specified on the product label. This typically ranges from 15 minutes to an hour.
-After the recommended time has passed, remove the plastic wrap and rinse the wig thoroughly with lukewarm water. Ensure all the conditioner is completely removed. Pat the wig gently with a towel to remove excess water, but avoid rubbing the hair, which can cause damage.

Dry the wig

Place the wig on a wig stand or mannequin head to air dry. Avoid using heat sources like hairdryers or direct sunlight, as these can damage the wig.

Storing Your Human Hair Wigs

The best way to store wigs is on a wig stand or mannequin head designed for wigs. Make sure it's a stable and secure stand or head. This will help your wig maintain its shape and style.
Choose a storage location away from direct sunlight, heat sources, and humidity. Excessive heat or moisture can damage the wig's fibers and cap.

FAQs About Human Hair Wigs

how to make a human hair soft again

What sets traditional shampoo apart from wig shampoo?

Traditional shampoos often contain sulfates, which are strong cleaning agents that can strip natural oils from the scalp and hair. These sulfates can be too harsh for human hair wigs and may cause them to become dry and brittle. In contrast, wig shampoos are formulated to be sulfate-free and gentler on the delicate hair strands. Additionally, wig shampoos often contain specialized ingredients, such as mild moisturizers andhydrating agents, to keep the hair hydrated without overloading it with heavy conditioning agents, which could cause the wig to become greasy.

How frequently should you wash hair wigs?

The frequency at which you should wash your hair wig depends on several factors, including how often you wear it, your lifestyle, and your personal preferences.
If you wear your wig daily, you may need to wash it more frequently, typically every 7 to 14 days. Daily wear exposes the wig to sweat, oils, and environmental pollutants, so regular cleaning is important to maintain its freshness. If you wear your wig less frequently, washing it every 2 to 4 weeks may be sufficient.
If you live in a humid or highly polluted environment, your wig may need more frequent cleaning to remove residue and keep it fresh. In arid or dry climates, the wig may stay cleaner longer, so you can wash it less often.

How long can I expect a human hair wig to last?

The lifespan of a human hair wig depends on how well it's maintained and how frequently it's worn. With proper care, a high-quality human hair wig can last 1-2 years or even longer.

Can I swim or shower with a human hair wig on?

It's not recommended to swim or shower with a human hair wig, as it can lead to tangling and damage. If you need to wear your wig during these activities, consider using a swim cap or a waterproof wig cover.

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