Wearing wigs is an effective way to change your hairstyle and experiment with different looks. However, one common issue wig wearers face is tangling. Tangles can make your wig look unkempt and reduce its lifespan. To help you maintain a glossy wig, we have listed some useful tips and tricks. Read this blog and find the answer about how to keep a wig from tangling.

Why Do Human Hair Wigs Get Tangled?

Friction:  Friction is one of the primary reasons for tangling. When the hair rubs against clothing, bedding, or other surfaces, it can cause the hair strands to intertwine and become tangled. This friction is more likely to occur when the hair is long.

Lack of Natural Oils:  Human hair wigs do not receive natural oils from the scalp as real hair does. These natural oils help keep the hair moisturized and lubricated, reducing the chances of tangling. Without these oils, the hair in wigs can become drier and more prone to tangling.

Improper Handling:  Rough handling of wigs, such as brushing aggressively or combing through tangles forcefully, can contribute to tangling. It is important to handle wigs gently and use appropriate tools, such as wide-toothed combs or brushes designed for wigs, to minimize damage and tangling.

Environmental Factors:  Environmental factors such as wind, humidity, and heat can also contribute to tangling. Wind can blow the hair in different directions, while humidity and heat can cause the hair to become frizzy and more susceptible to tangling.

Lack of Maintenance:  Regular maintenance and care are crucial to prevent tangling. If the wig is not properly cared for, such as not being washed, conditioned, or detangled regularly, it can lead to increased tangling.

How to Keep Wig From Tangling

Proper Storage
When you're not wearing your wig, storing it correctly is crucial to prevent tangling. Invest in a wig stand or a wig hanger to maintain its shape and keep the strands untangled. Avoid tossing your wig in a drawer or stuffing it into a bag, as this can lead to knots and tangles.

Brush Regularly
Regularly brushing your wig is essential for preventing tangles. Use a wig brush or a wide-toothed comb specifically designed for wigs. Start from the ends and work your way up to the roots, gently removing any knots. Avoid using regular brushes or combs with sharp bristles, as they can damage the wig fibers.

Detangle Gently
If your wig does get tangled, don't panic. Take your time to detangle it gently. Apply a detangling spray or a small amount of wig conditioner to the knots, then use your fingers or a wide-toothed comb to carefully work through them. Avoid pulling or tugging aggressively, as this can cause damage.

Wash with Care
Regular washing is essential to keep your wig clean and prevent tangles. Use a mild shampoo specifically designed for wigs and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Avoid rubbing or twisting the wig while washing, as this can lead to tangling. After washing, gently squeeze out excess water and pat dry with a towel.

Minimize Friction
Friction can cause tangling, so it's crucial to minimize it as much as possible. When wearing your wig, avoid rubbing it against rough surfaces or clothing. Additionally, consider using a satin or silk pillowcase when you sleep, as these materials create less friction and help keep your wig smooth.

Avoid Heat Damage
Excessive heat can damage the fibers of your wig and make them prone to tangling. Avoid using hot styling tools such as curling irons, straighteners, or blow dryers unless they are specifically designed for use with wigs. If you do use heat, use a heat protectant spray and keep the temperature low.

What is Product Build Up

Product buildup refers to the accumulation of styling products, oils, dirt, and environmental pollutants on the hair and scalp over time. When you consistently use hair care products like shampoos, conditioners, styling gels, mousses, hairsprays, and serums, the residue from these products can gradually build up on the hair shaft and scalp.

How to Prevent Product Build Up

Avoid Overusing Products:  Use hair care products sparingly and avoid excessive application. Follow the recommended amount and frequency specified on the product labels.

Use Lightweight Formulas:  Opt for lightweight styling products that are less likely to leave a heavy residue on the hair. Look for water-based or oil-free options that won't weigh down the hair.

Proper Hair Cleansing:  Ensure that you thoroughly rinse your hair after applying shampoo and conditioner to remove all traces of the product. Pay attention to the roots and scalp while rinsing.


Tangling is a common issue with wigs, but with proper care and maintenance, you can keep your wig looking beautiful and tangle-free. Remember to store your wig correctly, brush it regularly, and detangle it with care. Be gentle when washing and avoid excessive heat. By following these tips, you'll enjoy a longer lifespan for your wig and always have a stunning hairstyle at your fingertips.